
My Google Scholar Page


“”Wireless Paint”: Code Design for 3D Orientation Estimation with Backscatter Arrays” K. Chang, N. Raymondi, A. Sabharwal and S. Diggavi, International Symposium on Information Theory 2020, submitted


“Outer Bounds for MIMO Communicating Radars: Three-node Uplink” C. Li, N. Raymondi, B. Xia, A. Sabharwal, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Submitted

“CommRad: Single Waveform Joint Communications and Radar” N. Raymondi, C. Li, A. Sabharwal, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Submitted


“Outer Bounds for MIMO Communicating Radars: Three-node Downlink”, N. Raymondi, C. Li, A. Sabharwal, 2018 52nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 939-943

“Outer Bounds for MIMO Communicating Radars: Three-node Uplink”, C. Li, N. Raymondi, B. Xia, A. Sabharwal, 2018 52nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 934-938


“Compact and Power-Efficient 5 GHz Full-Duplex Design Utilizing the 180° Ring Hybrid Coupler”, N. Raymondi, M. Seredich, T. Karacolak, N.H. Tran, D.H.N. Nguyen, 2017 International Conference on Recent Advances in Signal Processing, Telecommunications & Computing 

“Full-Duplex Decode-and-Forward Relaying: Secrecy Rates and Optimal Power Allocation”, L. Elsaid, M. Ranjbar, N. Raymondi, D.H.N. Nguyen, N.H. Tran, A. Mahamadi, 2017 IEEE 85th Vehicular Technology Conference


10/2019 – ARL-Rice Next-Generation Networks Initiative poster